Logfret Group met in Taipei Taiwan for Asia Pacific Conference between May 27th and May 28th 2017 Mr. Marc Millet CEO of Logfret welcomed all attendees and talked about the core values of Logfret.
Participants from China, Hong Kong, Korea, Thailand, Belgium, the US, Poland, Dubai and France all gathered to share the latest information and developments in their own territories.
Aside from the conference, group also held one on one meetings and discussed serious issues related to industry and sales activities. The event also included multiple industry leader vendors to share their newly revised tools.
Logfret is a member of CLC Projects representing the Taiwan, the Netherlands, Poland and the USA (Midwest).
View profiles: Logfret Taiwan, Logfret The Netherlands BV, Logfret Poland Sp. z o.o., Logfret, Inc.
View website: http://www.logfret.com/