About Our Project Freight Network

CLC Projects is a project freight network of small and medium sized project freight forwarders.

Benefits of Joining CLC Projects Network of Project Freight Forwarders
  • CLC Projects links companies together to form a powerful, strong and global alliance of like-minded companies
  • Together as a team members are able to compete with larger/global players
  • The owners and the team together support members 100%
  • CLC Projects provides guidance in nominating the most suitable of our members to work on your project cargo transportation needs
  • You can be assured of prompt answer and a clear yes/no if we can/cannot help you with your inquiry
  • Transparency and straight forward dialogue with any potential customer is a hallmark of CLC Projects
  • Face to face meeting opportunities our global conferences
  • The conference meeting schedules are made for you, everyone meets everyone
  • Business Intelligence/Sales leads are regularly sent to every single member

Membership Guidelines For CLC Projects Network

CLC Projects Network Definition:

  • CLC Projects is a sales driven network whose aim is promoting interaction and successful sales results between members on a global scale.

CLC Projects Membership Fees:

  • USD 2,350 per year to be paid once a year and which is non-refundable.
  • Payment is due 30 days after receipt of invoice.

CLC Projects Quantity of Members Allowed:

  • CLC Projects allows two members per country except for huge economies.

CLC Projects Conferences:

  • Conference and network gatherings every year.
  • A maximum of 4 participants from any one company can attend.
  • Attending one conference in 2 years is mandatory.

CLC Projects Rules of Communication:

  • Communication must be efficient and speedy at all times. A clear NO is required instead of stalling or failing to reply. Non-timely communication and non-timely following up of sales leads received from the network may result in exclusion from the network.
  • Sales leads given to alternate members in the case of no response.
  • Investigation by CLC Projects if a minimum of 2 members complain independently of each other about lack of communication. This may result in exclusion from the network.
  • Any email MUST be replied to within 48 hours EVEN if containing little or no update.
  • Members should only actively promote their own services to other members which lie within the boundaries of their own region(s) they officially represent as members of CLC Projects.

CLC Projects Sales Leads:

  • Sales leads are provided on a regular basis by CLC Projects to the members.
  • Sales leads are derived from the internet, attending trade shows, intel from various sources etc. and may/may not be current, however it is the duty of the member to follow up and to give feedback to another member counterpart if more members have received the lead.
  • Sales leads given to e.g. members in Switzerland and the Philippines must also be followed up by the same and must NOT be given to any company’s own office in the origin or destination countries.
  • Sales leads may be freely used if there is no active response from any member or no interest, as the case may be.
  • CLC Projects also reserve the right to forward leads to others in the cases of consistent inaction, no-showing and/or lack of communication.

CLC Projects Payment Rules Between Members:

  • Members of CLC Projects Network have a duty to inform the management if they have payments unreasonably overdue from any CLC Projects member. Payments that are overdue by 60 days or more will automatically result in a notice on our website as well as a notice in our newsletter. We ask members to inform us TIMELY.
  • CLC Projects does NOT have a payment insurance scheme.
  • CLC Projects is a network only and does NOT take any responsibility for business entered into between members.
  • CLC Projects will assist to push members to pay freights and charges due and will, after due deliberation, exclude any member found to be in breach of common standards with regards to payment, codes of conduct and proper ethics in business.
  • CLC Projects will publish in its own newsletter, as well as in www.projectcargo-weekly.com, a list of delinquent payers or companies that have been found to be dishonest in their dealings. CLC Projects does its best to choose reliable and recommended members, but things can change rapidly in this business and companies that were once considered creditworthy and trustworthy can for whatever reason change overnight. In this eventuality, CLC Projects does not take any responsibility for the due diligence and the duty of freight collection and business interaction is ALWAYS a matter between the members themselves.
  • We cannot be a judge and jury but we will do our best to support, push and name and shame defaulters and irresponsible members, as well as exclude them without delay.

Any member may be excluded in circumstances including (but not limited to) the following:

CLC Projects Network Exclusion Rules:

  • A minimum of 2 independent members have complained about unreasonable payment delays.
  • The CLC Projects Network membership or conference fee has not been paid.
  • The communication rules are not adhered to.
  • Conduct at conferences is inappropriate or ‘uncalled for’.

By joining CLC Projects members agree to abide by these guidelines.

CLC Projects First Global Conference
Group Photo from the first CLC Projects global conference